Receive Free Mail to SMS Alert on Mobile

You can Receive Instant Free Mail to SMS Alert on Mobile When you Got New Email.
Yes this is possible by using
People may worried to check mail all the time and its going to waste their time and you might can't check all the time if you dont have a internet connection.

Here is the solutions for your problem. Here a simple way to get mail alerts on mobile for your Yahoo, Gmail or any other accounts. It'll send you a SMS alert when you have a new mail in your inbox and save your valuable time for checking webmail inbox.

You can get SMS alerts on your mobile phone as and when the new Mail arrives. You'll receive alerts when you want them. You can link your existing Yahoo, Gmail and other email accounts and get instant Free SMS alerts for your Yahoo, Gmail accounts also.

The main advantage of this is you can get control over your inblox.

Receive alerts for only emails that you want and when you want them. Avoid unwanted mail alerts for Spam, Promotional email Ids. You can enter those email ids, you wish NOT TO RECEIVE alerts on your mobile. Now you can receive alerts for your Gmail account too. All you have to do is Just link your Gmail account with your Way2SMS account. Way2sms mail alerts works only for mail accounts with forwarding facility. In order to get mail alerts, you have to forward a copy of your mail to way2sms mail account. Also, Way2SMS doesn't display your forwarded mails any where on